Dock20 is an international operating foundation that supports curious learners in finding their unique direction in
a challenging world. Dock20 has expertise in innovative methods of learning, teaching and education that is complementary
to standard didactics. Dock20 puts its focus in teaching on higher education and students from 18+. The learnings gained
are disseminated with a large group of people working in (higher) education - school management, teachers and lecturers.
The third and final focus is on creating a thriving community of people with a passion for education, within the school
system and in broader society (e.g. government and business).
Diederick Bosscha, Manuela Hernandez and Huub Purmer come from Dock20, the NETHERLANDS,
Contact:, +31(0)628533481
Meet Diederik Bosscha
I have a keen interest in supporting the emergence of a new paradigm for education and bring that into reality by developing new learning methods for education. Together with a network of education experts we create experimental learning environments for universities, e.g. summer-schools. Key questions I work with are: Why and how are systems changing? How does the bigger picture looks like? What new systems are emerging? How can we cope with change? How can you awaken, develop and stimulate your leadership skills? What is your role in all this?
Meet Huub Purmer
A lot of great and inspiring things are happening in Europe in the field of education. As a lecturer in Amsterdam and an education pioneer for Dock20 I am very keen on engaging in these inspiring learning labs across Europe.
Traveling to the participating countries I take my Dock20-experiences with me in my suitcase: e.g. designing leadership learning experiences for international students (summer schools, minors), a teachers training on participative lecturing and change making programs for faculties. As a souvenir I’d like to take a stronger European network, diverse insights, engaging activities with me back home, to the Netherlands.
Meet Manuela Hernandez
Coming soon...